Accident Law Firm: What are the Common Pedestrian Accident Injuries?

Severe injuries and sometimes death can occur when the driver of a bus, car, truck, or motorcycle collides with a pedestrian. Accident law firms have experienced the consequences of these accidents firsthand. Some of the injuries sustained from these accidents include:

Bone Fractures and Broken Bones

During an accident, pedestrians often fracture their ankles, wrists, hands, and legs. In other instances, severe bone breakage can occur; for instance, compound fractures where the bone pieces through the skin are among the most common. Such an injury s painful and can result in long-term health problems. In extreme cases, amputation may be the only way to survive.

Soft Tissue Damage

This injury involves sprains, strains, lacerations, tears, dislocation, and contusions. While it does not take long to recover from soft tissue injury, some people suffer long-term problems, extreme pain, and scars.

Traumatic Brain Injuries

These are often head and brain injuries, such as concussions and TBIs. They are life altering and are among the most common in pedestrians who seek help from accident law firms during court cases. For a pedestrian to sustain such serious injuries, it takes a forceful head blow from a speeding vehicle. Concussions and TBIs can be diagnosed and treated at the hospital.

Spinal Cord Injuries

According to a study, car accidents are the leading cause of spinal injuries in the United States. A considerable percentage of these injuries occur in pedestrians. Spinal injuries are severe, and they can cause death or paralysis. In most cases at an accident law firm, spinal injuries are life changing and require long-term care.

If you or your loved one has been injured in a pedestrian accident, get an accident lawyer to help you with the case. They will ensure that you are duly compensated for the pain and suffering you endured due to the accident.

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